Food and Enhanced Nutrition

 Food and Enhanced Nutrition

Food and Enhanced nutrition  program provides the body the chemical elements known as nutrients. In turn, these nutrients provide energy for the body, regulate body processes and make the smooth growth and repair of body tissues. Some nutrients provided by the food called essential nutrients , given the fact that these elements can not be formed in the body, at least in the amount required for normal growth and health, so essential nutrient supplied to the body out of food. Generally, absorption ratio of nutrients in the body must be supplied from food are essential amino acids all essential substances with enhanced nutrition necessary for good health as comsuming fish and animal meat.
In general, nutrients are divided into five major groups, namely carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. While some experts also argue that water is also part of the nutrient. It is based on the function of water in the metabolism of food is quite important, although water can be provided beside food. In this context the authors prefer to enter the water in groups of nutrients, so that nutrients consist into six groups: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and water. Three classes of nutrients that can be converted into energy are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. However, vitamins, minerals and water are needed to help transform nutrients into energy or into something in the biosynthesis.

The composition of foods in a balanced diet is a food composition that can provide essential nutrients in sufficient quantities that the body needs for energy, maintenance, growth, and tissue repair. The number of necessary nutrients, differ from one person to another person due to a variety of factors discussed later, but on substantially the same nutritional function separately all people. Based on nutritional supply. Someone will have nutritional status. In general there are 3 yailtu nutritional status nutritional status less, balanced nutrition status (normal), and more nutritional status. Factors that affect the nutrition status of a person are as follows:

A.  Food products (amount and type of food )
The amount and the type of food in the food pattern in a country / region usually develops some of the local food that has been grown on the site for long periods.

B. Division of eating or food
Traditionally, in some areas has high priority on the amount and type of certain foods in the family. Though it is children who should be considered primarily a process of growth and development separately. Both growth physiological, psychological, and intellect but in fact the people of Indonesia who still lay still adhered to the assumption / still believe that the father is the one who should come first in all things. This ideology known as Fathernalistic.
a.  Acceptability (acceptance)
Acceptability regarding acceptance or rejection of foods associated with selecting and presenting the way of food. Each community develops its way  to find, choose, handling, preparing, serving and eating food.
b. Prejudice food on certain materials.
We do too bad prejudice certain foods, because not all certain food ingredients harmful to humans. For example, many people assume that eggplant can be bad for us that caused limeness on our bodies, but they are not.
c. Restrictions on certain food
In connection with food that is usually considered fit to be eaten, found many patterns taboo, superstition, and restrictions that vary based on the different cultures and regions in the world. Some restrictions pattern believed by a community group or by a larger part of the population. For example, there are still many people in Indonesia who think there are some foods that should be avoided or become taboo, especially in some particular conditions.

d.  Passions against eating certain types
In fulfillment of foods based on food preferences if only it would result in nutrition will decrease or otherwise be excessive. Prompts four of five perfectly healthy, six halal and  thoyiban is recommended to be followed in the family diet.
e. Limitations of economic
In a number of countries such as Indonesia income population is mostly low and middle class will affect the fulfillment of nutritious foods, especially food. Economic limitations which meant not being able to buy good quality food ingredients, nutritional fulfillment will also be disrupted.
f. Eating habits
In general, a person's eating habits are not based on physical needs to the substances contained in the food. This custom comes from the diet in groups based on culture and taught to all members of the family. Some families develop patterns of eating three times a day is breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Appetite will also affect the nutritional needs for energy and growth, development, and health.

g. Hygienic food (preparation, presentation, storage)
Started, presentation, and storage of a food or food ingredient should not be at the levels of enchanced nutrition contained in the food ingredients mixed or not hygienic and contain many disease-causing germs. The food should contain enough calories, food is easily digested by the digestive tools, processing or ripening must be adapted to the physical and chemical properties of each of the food ingredients.

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25 komentar:

Unknown said...

Now i understand, the food that i ate must contain a nutrition to launch my metabolism, and those nutrition food must suit with my own body ( GEIVA )

Unknown said...

Now i understand, the food that i ate must contain a nutrition to launch my metabolism, and those nutrition food must suit with my own body

Unknown said...

ever adding your knowledge..

Unknown said...

keep balancing! carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

three times habit, and don't forget to watch over calories too! I see...

Unknown said...

Sometimes we eat only make our body full food not care about nutrition in the body, and now we should provide our body nutrients for enhanced nutrition necessary.


Unknown said...

Now I understand that the food I eat is not just for filling the stomach alone but I have to pay attention to the food I eat contain nutrients or not, Because nutrition is very important for the body to repair body tissue, as a source of energy for daily activities. (dhedot)

Zasmin said...

by reading a this article, now I know that the water contained in a variety of functions. thank you


Unknown said...

this article would be more interesting if supported by evidence / related research / solved case related to the article.
by : Nicole

Mrs. Light said...

for students that live in boarding is very difficult to regulate eating habits and hygienic food. but we must be able to assess the nutrition and nutrients that enter to our bodies to stay healthy.

Unknown said...

foods high in nutrients is very good for our body, and it must be balanced with a healthy lifestyle


Unknown said...

In our body needs to be balanced intake of energy, nutrients, fat, and carbohydrate. Should be applied four of five perfectly healthy.

Anonymous said...

I agree, food balance must be maintained


DeoRa ALEGRA said...

Is now understand the importance eating foods that are not excessive and important as well for us to consider the food that will be consumed.

Ajeng Maharani said...

It is necessary for the health foods that contain a lot of nutrients and wherever possible we should consume the food nutrition balanced.cullen

Unknown said...

so many nutritional benefits to the human body that can be obtained from foods consumed. Therefore we should be better in selecting the foods. (JANUZAJ)

az-zahra said...

after I read the article I published the father understand that every food we eat must be assured that they contain nutrients, because nutrients in every food we eat plays an important role as a source of nutrients and energy in our body.

thank you for the information Mr.

Unknown said...

I remember this article that healthy living is important, nutrients that the body needs to be met by eating a healthy and nutritious foods.


Unknown said...

In the other words, if you want to be healthy,you have to know the content of your food. Because the foods you eat will become your body.

Unknown said...

would be more interesting if the article you can take more specific material, because it may not be uncommon that talks about food in general
by : verserk

Unknown said...

It is important for us to know the factors that determine the nutritional status, because by knowing that at least we can afford proper nutrition for our body. Not a few people so much but his lack of nutrients, this happens either because of lack of knowledge about the nutrients your body needs. (Dagrod)

Unknown said...

I agree, and now is the time to intelligently choose foods that are nutritious and healthy

Anonymous said...

I think so, that vitamins, minerals and water are important for us, but actually we always forget about that, so this article brought new information about nutrition. Thank you

Unknown said...

thanks for the information, this is very helpful for readers.

Unknown said...

good information , we should be on diet , to eat balanced food that contain all the necessary nutrients to keep our body healthy .

Unknown said...

Ali, you want to do diet....OK I will give suggestion

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Food and Enhanced Nutrition